Thursday, April 23, 2015

Prices. Ridiculous.

 So, I recently looked at the average apartment prices in my 3 cities. The results are quite startling. 

Dallas -              Approx. $900 per month
San Francisco -   Approx. $3000 per month
New York -         Approx. $3500 per month

 Those prices may seem a bit high. That's simply because they are. Let me put this into perspective...

A 2015 Lamborghini Huracan (Pictured below) costs $237,250 at base. Living in Dallas at $900 every month, you could buy the car in 22 years. Now, that doesnt seem like much, but $900 per month can get you a lot of nice cars, on the average 5 year plan. But it gets better. Living in San Fransico, or paying $3000 every month, can get you the Lambo in 6.5 years. And lastly, living in New York, paying the $3500 every month can have you paying off your new Huracan in 5 years.

 Now, of course, if you're only an up-and-coming artist looking for a place to stay in your new city, you probably can't (and don't want to) pay for the Lamborghini. That's where I would like to make a difference, changing your rent from 5 year Lambo down to at least $1500 a month. So, let's get going.


  1. Have you read about all the multi-million dollar apartments in Manhattan that wealthy people own who don't even LIVE in them? Yep. They just keep them as part of their real estate portfolio, and have maybe only been there a few times. So you have these incredibly expensive apartment buildings that almost no one lives in, but there are tons of people who need places to live.

  2. I am very intrigued by the comparison to the Lamborghini. This has really helped me understand the excessive prices for space being put forth.
